Thriving through Pregnancy
Take charge of your pregnancy, have an empowered birth and step confidently into parenthood!
12 month holistic, transformational and immersive program for pregnant folks who want to experience a conscientious and connected pregnancy, birth and transition into parenthood. Who wants to learn to thrive in body, mind and spirit and not only feel prepared and informed every step of the way...but loved, supported and guided throughout!
Thriving through Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond is the most comprehensive, holistic, transformational and empowering pregnancy school out there!
Weekly Group Connection Calls + Online Education + Private Facebook Group + Daily Group Chat + Guest Speakers
Have you ever actually asked yourself what you want out of your pregnancy and birth experiences?
🌸 Of course, a healthy baby and a safe passage through birth are a given...BUT, do you know how to do that?
🌸 Does your care provider teach you how to have a healthy pregnancy, a physiologic birth and well supported postpartum?
🌸 Are they providing YOU with the knowledge, skills and tools you need to participate fully in your own care and ensure that you have the very best chance to actualize your vision and more?
🌸 Whether you're pregnant for the first time or the third time, are seeing an obstetrician or a midwife, have it all under control or feel overwhelmed, we are here to help.
🌸 This mentoring program will take you to where YOU want to go and provides a fully immersive and transformative experience through your entire pregnancy, birth and first 4 months beyond.
This mentoring program continuously evolves to meet the unique needs of the group so the information, education, exercises and inspiration are tailored to you and where you are at in your pregnancy, so you feel supported every step of the way!
Everyone's journey through pregnancy is unique but all journey's are transformational, the questions is, do you want to be in control of the direction of your own transformation? As we take control of pregnancy and birth, we reweave the fabric of society and make a better world for our children, community and the world. Program portal is compatible with your phone or computer so you can always have what you need, when you need it!
$427/month x 4
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Step into the Portal and Take Charge of your Pregnancy!PAY IN FULL
Save $147! Get Access to the Entire Program
Step into the Portal and Take Charge of your Pregnancy!12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS
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Step into the Portal and Take Charge of your Pregnancy!BRING A FRIEND SPECIAL
$997 each
Save $500 each, Get Access to the Entire Program and enjoy the special journey with a friend!
Email [email protected], write "Bring a Friend Special" in the subject line, 'cc' your friend and I will send both of you a special link!7 Reasons to Join Thriving through Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond!

Reclaim your voice and have an empowered experience!

Be ready to meet the challenges of pregnancy and brith!

Build confidence by taking affirmative, purposeful action!

Be fully informed. You simply can't know what you don't know!

Learn to be the best possible parent for your baby right now!

Gain and give support. Transform yourself on this journey with others!

Consistent, thoughtful, holistic education, compassionate support and expert guidance throughout your entire experience!
Ready to Embark on a Journey of a Lifetime?
Greetings! Avril here...the founder of the Midwife Method and creatrix of Thriving through Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond - 12 month mentoring Program
Equal parts spiritual warrior, healed healer and practical strategist, Avril Bowens is a midwife, mentor, mother, nurse, Birth Emergency Skills Training Instructor, birth advocate, farmer and visionary whose on a mission to help women and people have the healthiest, happiest and most empowered pregnancy and birth experiences possible, along with a smooth and well supported transition into parenthood - by bringing the midwife model of care to all women and people - online.
She made her pivot from active practice to the virtual world after healing from a very traumatic motorcycle accident where she was given the rare opportunity to walk her talk in a profound way, put all her knowledge and skills acquired through the years into practice - to heal and Birth her own self into BEING...from the extensive physical, emotional and spiritual injuries she sustained.
And so...the Midwife Method was born which currently houses...
- Thriving through Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond Mentoring Program
- Optimal Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy and Baby
- Empowered Pregnancy and Birth
- Birth yourself into Being
Each program weaves the mystical and the practical into digestible and useable pieces. Combining a deep understanding of the physiology of mind and body, of pregnancy and birth, of the steps to empowerment and transformation during transitional times in life...which culminate in life changing programs.
The primary role of a midwife is to educate and empower, to gently guide when needed, to provide a flexible blueprint for the journey ahead and a safe container for a person's growth so that they can find their own wisdom within, connect to their own source of power and emerge from the process - whether it be pregnancy, birth, your baby's first year, a huge change in life, or menopause - informed, confident, capable and empowered.
Until every woman and birthing person has access to a midwife, she will continue to provide comprehensive and holistic education, loving & continuous support, professional guidance and a safe, intimate, group experience, where people can transform themselves through pregnancy.
Her big vision is to transform the current maternity healthcare system into a midwife-led system that promotes and supports physiological pregnancy and birth, provides true, informed choice, the option to birth at home or in a birth center, facilitates seamless collaborative care with higher level providers when necessary and honors & protects the sanctity of birthing of a family into being.
When we change birth practices into a loving and powerful rite of passage, we will see those qualities reflect out into families, communities, culture and all the systems in place that drive our economy, healthcare, communities, nation relations and how we care for the planet itself. When we take back birth, we make a stand for the health of families as a primary objective to creating a better world for all.
And when we change SELF-LOVE practices into a powerful rite of passage of claiming who you are in your power, we also reflect those qualities out into our families, communities, culture and all the systems in place for a more beautiful world. When we take back ourselves, we take a stand for the ME and WE that we are and birth a better world and better life!
~ Harvest the good everyday and in every experience and you will transform your life from the inside out ~
There are Four Components to Thriving through Pregnancy which make it so effective, comprehensive and unique.
(1) Prenatal and Postpartum Group Connection Calls
Midwife-led and facilitated group connection calls provide participants with a consistent time to meet and explore the full breadth and depth of the pregnancy process. These groups form a core and shared experience where guidance and support are found consistently throughout the process of pregnancy, birthing and the transition into parenthood.
We meet weekly, for about an hour and dig into each individual's real-lived experience while providing the necessary space for learning, growing, building trust and confidence in yourself and the process. Clarity is found and insights are gained while receiving individualized guidance along with the precious and invaluable support from others who are sharing in the collective journey.
Over time, a beautiful and unique space develops with a consistent group allowing for deep and meaningful sharing, personal growth, the development of friendships and preparation for birth and the transition into parenting.
Don't we all crave community and a sense of belonging? In this group we get to be ourselves. Talk about fears, insecurities, challenges and triumphs. Everything is possible in this group space, all are welcome and all experiences are seen, heard, and validated.
This space provides participants with the opportunity to discuss what they are learning in the education portion of Thriving through Pregnancy, find solutions to problems, and gain clarity. The educational program, facebook group and daily group chat compliment and support what is discussed and explored but the transformation and personal growth attainable with a focussed and cohesive group is extraordinarily nourishing, in real time, sharing with real people in a zoom format. Additionally, continuity of care allows us to grow, develop trust, create friendships, gain insights, access individualized guidance and fully experience the process with other like minded pregnant women and people who are fully committed to having the healthiest, happiest and most empowering experience possible.
We keep the process relevant for each participant, share deeply, learn, find solutions and expand into the fullness of all that pregnancy, birth and parenting have to offer!
Can't wait to Start!
(2) Comprehensive Education
Not getting enough information from your provider?
We've got you covered with 9 months of action oriented, essential education (on literally everything you could think of and more), delivered in weekly and monthly modules.
Designed to compliment the medical care you are receiving in your home community with the necessary information, tools and skills you need to succeed throughout pregnancy, birth, lactation and early parenting!
You are the primary care provider for your baby, only you can create an optimal pregnancy environment to help prevent complications and grow a healthy baby, by supporting the normal physiological processes already in motion.
This is exactly what we teach you to do!
Four Pillars of Pregnancy
- Optimal Nutrition
- Essential Movements
- Positive Pregnancy Mindset
- Navigating the Maternity Health Care System
Plus ~ preparing for labor and birth, lactation and early parenting!

(3) Daily Group Chat and Q&A
Do you sometimes leave your prenatal appointment with more questions than answers?
We've got you covered with our weekly Q&A's so you longer need to wait a month to get your questions answered :)
The Q&A's happen in the private facebook group on a weekly basis.
There are always a million questions during pregnancy...
Am I doing this right? Am I eating right? What exercises can I participate in? My back hurts, what can I do? My provider said x,y,z...what can I do?
Essentially, we don't want you to have to wait until your next prenatal to get the answers you need and we also don't want you going too far down the Dr. Google rabbit hole!
The day before the scheduled Q&A, you have the opportunity to submit your questions. We will answer them in the order received on a live call that folks can join.
The call will then be posted in the facebook group where all members can benefit from the answers...because you know what?
Everyone is on the same journey and will gain insight from other's inquiries.

(4) Private Facebook Group
Don't we all seek and crave a community to belong to?
That's why we created this space! It provides a community of like-minded folks all sharing their unique but similar pregnancy journeys.
The facebook group is a place to ask questions and find answers. It is a place to share journal entries with other's enrolled in Thriving through Pregnancy.
It is a space to vent, to celebrate, to cheer each other on, to encourage, to brainstorm and exchange ideas and to nourish each other's process and experience.
Everyone participates in their own way but essentially, it is your space to connect with myself and others. Gain feedback, support, guidance and a group collective.
Of course, the more that people participate and share, the more alive the community becomes. When we are courageous and open up, others do the same and everyone benefits!
What maternity and baby products are folks using? What works, what doesn't work.
Where to find community resources and so much more!
Too many people do not have access to the information, skills, and tools they need to achieve their pregnancy, birth and parenting goals and visions.
Too many people don't even know what is missing in their standard prenatal care :)
Instead, folks find themselves swept away into the system and are left wondering what they could have done differently!
We don't want that for you! We want you to KNOW in your body, heart and mind that you can indeed make the right decisions for yourself and your baby, now and in the future! We believe in your ability to adjust your lifestyle to support the demands of pregnancy. We know you can adapt to the rapid changes pregnancy brings to every aspect of your life and being, and through that adaptation you can transform into a confident, vibrant parent in the process!
Tired of feeling overwhelmed, unsure of yourself, or at odds with the fear and anxiety that birth in our culture is infused with?
There is another way...
We don't just educate, although we do a very thorough job of this, we inspire transformation and ignite a woman's inner spark to take charge of the experience! We facilitate massive self-growth through pregnancy and birth so women and birthing people feel empowered to step into their new role as a parent!
~ This means getting super clear on what your pregnancy, birth and parenting goals are, developing an action plan to get you to where you want to be and learning to navigate the current maternity health care system by using your voice to get your needs met and preferences honored.
I know you can feel calm, strong and confident, and filled with a radical belief in your own capabilities.
Yes! I'm curious and want to learn more!

the Midwife Method is committed to changing the maternity health care system by empowering individuals with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to not only take on the awe inspiring role as the primary care provider for their baby (yep, that's YOU! - only you can create a nourishing environment for your baby to develop in), but to Thrive through Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
👊 One person, one voice at a time, over time, is what it takes to shift maternity healthcare system from one that dominates, controls and even interrupts the natural processes unfolding to one that supports the normal physiology of pregnancy and birth, allows for individualized care and incorporates patient preferences into that care while also celebrating the birth and coming of a new babe.
Just as pregnancy and birth are a process, it is a process to change the maternity health care system, but history has demonstrated over and over again, that it does responds to the demands of individual women and birthing people over time.
Come learn with us and not only enjoy a pregnancy seeped with knowledge, wisdom and support but intentionally add your voice to the future of maternity care :)
You don't have any time to spare!
And I say that with all the love and care in the world. Pregnancy goes by fast and each and every day, you have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to let go, to embrace, to develop yourself and prepare for each step along the way.
We start a new cohort twice monthly on the New Moon and on the Full Moon. Come join us on our next start date. Together, we can make this pregnancy the best it can be!
Yes!! I am ready to Start! Enroll with price options :)Why join Thriving through Pregnancy?
Reason #1: You are only pregnant with this babe one time and it goes by fast! ---I teach you exactly how to support your body, mind and spirit so you can have a healthy and happy pregnancy, birth and smooth transition into parenthood.
Reason #2: Because you don't know what you don't know! --- I teach you what to eat and how to incorporate healthy, essential whole foods into your daily routine so your body and your baby have a constant supply of the nutrients they need to build with. Manage stress (which changes your biology), work with your emotions, promote sleep and rest, and how to exercise, move and stretch safely during pregnancy and in preparation for birth. How to create a healing environment post-birth, breastfeed successfully, care for you baby and re-engage in life.
And a 1000 other things you need to know, all laid out in a step by step, action oriented fashion.
Reason #3: To take control of the power of your mind to create your reality and manifest your dreams! --- I teach you how to shift your belief systems, get clarity on your visions, and build a working plan to achieve them.
Reason #4: To shift overwhelm and uncertainty into definitive action! --- this is the essence of empowerment. It is a process not a destination and one that with the skills I teach, you can harness in every aspect of your life now and in the future.
Reason #4: To reclaim your voice and power in your pregnancy and birth so you are not swept away into the system! --- I teach you how to navigate the maternity healthcare system, how to choose your provider and place of birth, develop your birth plan, voice your preferences, be an active participant in your healthcare and engage in informed choice.
Reason #5: To have the continuous support and guidance necessary to embrace the process and build confidence! --- Together, we create community, a place to belong and transform ourselves as we are transformed through pregnancy and birth in preparation for parenting.
Reason #6: You deserve to have an empowered experience! --- I teach you the skills necessary to make the choice everyday, to take charge of your own health, the health of your pregnancy and birth and take these lessons on into life.
Reason #7: To have a pregnancy tribe to belong to full of other folks seeking an empowered experience! --- community provides the support and accountability needed to embrace the massive changes pregnancy brings and stay committed to making the daily lifestyle changes that matter most and make a positive impact.
If you...
- seek to take an active role in your pregnancy, birth and parenting experiences...then YES! This program is for you :)
- find yourself searching for more than you are getting from your care provider...then YES! You will find the missing information, support and guidance in this program :)
- find yourself wondering if your doing things right, want to explore your options, discover informed choice, learn to use your voice, be prepared for your prenatal care, labor and birth and postpartum...then YES! This program is for you :)
- want to learn how to prevent complications and optimize your baby's development... then YES! This program is for you :)
- want to deepened into the process of BEING pregnant. I mean, the truly extraordinary process for the body, the mind and the heart that majorly impacts our lives! Then YES!! This program is for you :)
This program is for every woman who wants to make a positive impact in their daily lives, pregnancy, birth, and families.
We literally provide every possible bit of information complimented by action steps to make a positive impact in your pregnancy and life. The skills gained can then be re-applied to taking care of your growing families as the principles are the same :)
The same formula for a healthy and happy pregnancy apply to a healthy and happy life!
Enroll by choosing your pay scale today!
Why the Midwife Method? Why a Midwife?
the Midwife Method incorporates the Midwifery model of Care™ into each of its programs creating an opportunity for every woman to experience the powerful aspects of a midwife's continual education, support and guidance throughout the entire experience, no matter who their medical provider is.
The bottom line, we need more midwives, and in the meantime, we offer all the aspects of midwifery care that can be delivered in the online format (which is a ton!!) to fill in the gaps of maternity care and help individuals feel competent, cared for and ready to meet the challenges of pregnancy, birth and parenting.
Midwives care for the whole person, not only the physical aspects of the pregnancy, birth and early parenting but the emotional, social and spiritual aspects. We support your journey into parenthood, no matter what that looks like!

Why the Midwifery Model of Care?

Because it's a connective care model and it is through human connections that all else is built upon! It is a balanced, comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare which:
- teaches women how to create an optimal gestational environment so their baby can grow to its full genetic potential.
- teaches women how to take care of their rapidly changing bodies so that, that body, can support and nurture the baby growing within.
- cares for the whole person…the physical, emotional, social and spiritual self because guess what? We are not separate and the physical body is not the only one that needs tending to during the incredibly transformative experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenting!
- provides continuity of care which allows for trusting relationships to develop, growth and helps ensure key processes for each person are not missed.
- foster growth and confidence in your own capabilities and abilities.
- invites you into a shared decision making model and helps you be an active participant in your own care.
What do we believe in?
- We believe in the intrinsic ability for each woman or pregnant person to have an uncomplicated and celebratory experience of the entire pregnancy and birth process of becoming a parent!
- We believe that all women should have access to the care of a midwife and are working toward meeting that need in the online format so that women are well educated, have the support and guidance they need to succeed and learn to have a voice and participate in their own healthcare.
- We are committed to supporting and enhancing the normal physiologic process and educate you in nutrition, movement, mindset and invite you to be an active participant in your own maternity care by embracing your role and responsibility as being the primary care provider for your baby.

We believe in the power of midwifery care to reduce complications and improve outcomes for mothers and babies;
- fewer unnecessary labor and delivery interventions
- induction of labor
- labor augmentation
- instrumental delivery (vacuum and forceps)
- episiotomies and reduction of more serious tears
- cesarean birth
- lower rates of preterm birth
- higher rates of breastfeeding
- significantly higher chance of having a physiological normal, vaginal birth
- increased satisfaction, confidence, and sense of control accomplishment
- lower rates of depression and anxiety
- outcomes are even improved in high risk pregnancies when co-managed by midwives verses only obstetrical management. matter how your pregnancy and birth unfold, we will be here for you, supporting you with relevant information and education, support and guidance as you navigate through your own unique experience!
Book a Free Discovery Call to see if Thriving through Pregnancy is a good fit for you :)Copyright 2022 the Midwife Method
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