Birth yourself into BEING
through the transition and transformation of the peri & menopausal years!
Shed the layers that keep you small & remember who you are. Take control of this unique and powerful time of rewiring to guide your own EVOLUTION so you can live a life of Freedom, TRUST and Self-Sovereignty.
~ Bathed and Surrounded in LOVE ~

Has your relationship with yourself come last for so long that you've forgotten who you truly are?
Or maybe you KNOW who you are but find yourself disconnected and out of touch or in a major transition in life that's leaving you a little (or a lot) unsettled? Or maybe you simply feel stuck and unable to move forward? Like things used to be so bright and clear and now everything looks and feels different...
Life can get really busy, I get it! But life goes by too fast to leave yourself behind! You can't go anywhere without YOURSELF :)
It is so easy to get wrapped up in the daily tasks of living and allow yourself to move farther and farther down the list of priorities in the process and in the name of 'doing'. When we allow this to happen, we not only give our power away and use up our most precious commodity ~ energy ~ we are less effective at loving others, tending to our hearth and home and showing up for our jobs, our families and our communities.
But most of all, we risk losing ourselves in all that 'doing' and forget about the 'being'.
Our Being
If you say to yourself in the evening...tomorrow, I will take care of myself...or next week, I will do [insert self-love activities], then it's time to take matters into your own hands and make a powerful commitment to really tend to your own flame and breathe life back into who you really are, what your purpose is and what you came to this planet to BE (and do) once you've got your beingness all straightened out!
If you are feeling called to put yourself first, now IS the only time you have, the time is NOW. Time and presence is just like that. Life actually zooms by so LIVE today without regret, and step firmly into Who you ARE!
Fall in LOVE with LIFE, fall in love with yourself and take the risk to start living today!

Are you Ready to EVOLVE?
And I mean truly SHIFT every aspect of your lived life? Well... it starts with SELF LOVE!💥 It starts with YOU!
Yes, I know this is all the buzz these days but when you take this daily practice seriously, you step into your 'changing woman' persona and TRANSFORM yourself, from the inside out, and in doing so 👉🏽 you transform your LIFE!
🐛 At some point in life, we are all faced with a choice. The choice to wallow in all the experiences life can dish which sometimes leave us feeling powerless and hopeless - full of self loathing, blame, grief, excuses, pain and the seeming impenetrable haze of perception that can often develop OR we can simply choose a different path.
One that brings you back into balance, back into grace, and back into you POWER!
🦋 What is holding you back? What are the stories that you've been telling yourself about why you can't do [fill in the blank] or why you can't just [add feeling], or why you can't be [insert your highest version of yourself] or why you can't achieve [insert your dream].
By stepping into this seriously connective, illuminating and transformational journey with yourself and others within a small and intimate group, by courting YOU, by falling madly in love with (well...YOU), you open yourself up to limitless possibilities!
And when you bring your BEST self into every aspect of your life, whether you want better relationships with your children, your spouse, your parents, your community, your work or career...everything improves. It's like having an alignment shift, where the gears of your life are oiled from the love within that you bring to it.
Birth Yourself into BEING!
If you could be RE-BORN right now...Who would you be?
Learn how to disconnect from the beliefs and stories that keep you stuck and connect with all the parts of yourself, inviting them into the totality of who you are while merging with your higher self and attuning to the greatest sources of creativity. Love and Gratitude.
🌟 This is an incredibly powerful and transformative process where you cultivate your relationship with yourself, connect to the wisdom within, heal your wounds, and learn to trust yourself - as both your greatest teacher and greatest guide - so you can create a life of purpose, of dreams come true and one, where YOU are the helm of your own vessel.
🪷 On this deep dive into yourself, fully supported by a small, intimate group of women, I'll teach you exactly how to do this and so much more!
🌕 Each module builds on the last using effective and experiential tools to explore, contemplate, and embody the themes into our hearts, minds, and bodies while also integrating them into our lives where they actually make powerful, palpable, positive impacts.
- Weekly Meditations
- Meditation Vault
- Module Yoga Practices
- Reflective Journaling Activities
- Flower essences and Essential oils
- Herbals to support your journey
- Exploratory lessons and recommended reads
- Weekly Connection Call to explore, share, inspire and ignite one another
- Ceremonies to ground in the learnings and insights gathered.
- Daily Group Chat
It’s time to nurture yourself like never before, step into your POWER & SELF-SOVEREIGNTY and take your future into your own hands!

Everything you need to Succeed is Within YOU!
All that is required of you is your full PRESENCE, your love and your persistent commitment to the unfolding process. The unfurling of your AUTHENTIC self. If the following program outline ignites a spark within you, touches a part of you that longs to be known, excites or invigorates you, then don't put off joining me in the journey. The journey towards self-actualization. CHOOSE you because you are WORTHY!

Module 1 ~ Settle into Love & Gratitude and set your Intentions for the year
As we begin, we set the stage for all the months to come as we explore and attune to love and gratitude in all their expressions, but especially within ourselves because it all starts there. We will also set our initial intentions for this journey together.

Module 2 ~ Merge with your Higher-Future-Divine Self
In this module, we connect fully with our higher or Future or Divine Self. The merging into our higher selves, anchors us deeply as we prepare to take a deep dive into our emotions, our parts, our bodies, our beliefs and our shadows.

Module 3 ~ Anchoring into the Ventral Vagal Nervous System
In this module we learn to navigate the foundational landscapes of our nervous system. With awareness & recognition and powerful anchoring techniques, we regain out ability to anchor into safety, connection, solutions and creativity.

Module 4 ~ Navigating your Glorious Waves of Emotions
In this module, we explore the many ways to navigate our emotions, both past and present. Embodied in Love, Connected to our higher Self and Anchored in safety, we learn to befriend our emotions, listen to the guidance and wisdom they have to offer and take control of our inner landscape.

Module 5 ~ Integrate all the Parts of your Identity
This month, we step into full SELF leadership of ALL parts: the one's we know and love and the one's we dismiss and ignore. We will witness and listen to our parts, accept, validate, heal and integrate them into one central identity, so we can show up as the most authentic version of ourselves.

Module 6 ~ The Art and Practice of Forgiveness
Life can throw us some punches. It is not always easy to find our way and along the way, we and others will inevitably make a mess of things. Thus far, we have done a lot of uncovering work and before we continue, it is time to explore the gift of forgiveness and to cultivate our capacity to forgive ourselves and others.

Module 7 ~ Taking Radical Responsibility for Yourself and your Life!
In this module, we take a deep look at our underlying, subconscious belief systems which inform and create the stories we tell ourselves...which in turn, determine, who we are, what we can do, achieve and how we perceive, respond, decide and take action in our lives. In the process, we will reprogram our minds and rewrite our own stories!

Module 8 ~ Healing the Feminine and Masculine Wounds
By now, we are well on our way to living IN-TO the new person emerging through our time together. In this module, we bring our compassion and loving gaze into these wounds that have been woven through humanities history and in so doing, we transform and offer the prayer of healing to the world.

Module 9 ~ Courting your Body - your Sacred Vessel
Now it is time to heal, mend, connect, nurture, love, appreciate and fully inhabit our bodies. By bringing the love, forgiveness and compassion into the deep human wounds, we are ready to repair our relationship with our bodies. Celebrate our sacred vessel, come home and BE comfortable in our own skin!

Module 11 ~ Clarifying and Activating your Purpose
Now that we have become much more grounded in ourselves, it is time to get crystal clear on what we want our life to look like while opening the pathways to actualize our dreams. A call to step into the person you must be to bring, the future you desire, into reality. A powerful and freeing process. One of profound growth and trust!

Module 12 ~ Integration and Sinking into your Daily Rhythms
This month, we focus on integrating all that we have learned and discovered thus far into our daily rhythms. This is a time to reflect and implement new ways of being and doing and ground them into ordinary life. Committing the 'work' into reality.

Module 13 ~ Preparing to take your Scared Vows of Marriage to Yourself {if you feel called to}
This module invites you to, if you are called, to make a life-long commitment to love, to hold, to cherish, to heal, to nurture, to play and to prioritize our relationship with self, for a lifetime! An in person retreat is also recommended and optional to celebrate and witness this incredible rite of passage for one another 💗
Move through the modules on your own time and come to our connection calls to deepen the process, share, witness, learn and ground deeply into the lessons learned.
The connection calls provide the opportunity to reflect and be the mirrors for one another. To gain clarity on our practices, the techniques we are learning, share insights gained and be witness to one another's growth.
This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own self-love journey.
Most participants find it powerful to learn that others have had similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos.
We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

And Yes! My eyes are different colors and I find this a beautiful metaphor for the two selves that 'see' from this one united SELF! 2 years ago, I married myself and it was the most profound commitment I have ever made and now I want to share it with YOU :)
I CHOSE ME! Because you know what? I am ultimately WHO I spend the entirety of my life with. From my first breath, through all my life experiences, the coming and going of children, parents, friends and lovers, I have me and you have YOU.
I am a nurse and a midwife and a midwife's primary role is to guide the families they are working with through the transition of becoming a parent. To educate, guide, support, prepare, inform, resource and empower pregnant women. Teach them the skills needed to sooth their nervous system so their body's function beautifully, to navigate their emotions so they are prepared to help their little people navigate their own, to learn to let go of what is no longer serving them and get clear on their purpose and ultimately set the stage for an empowered birth and smooth transition into motherhood.
Over the years, I realized that the same kinds of tools, growth and transformational work can be utilized to facilitate the conscious BIRTH of our selves. To take the reigns of our own lives and actualize our dreams.
I come with 20+ years of facilitating women's empowerment and transformation and with the varied scientific, holistic, therapeutic, herbal, and movement education I have received along with my own life experiences which have prepared me in a beautifully unique way to bring that body of knowledge into the transformational gateway that I am offering you today.
The culmination of my life's work, the integration of my life's experiences, and the wisdom I have gained in the process. and my owI realize that many of the same skills and knowledge are needed to guide people through all of life's transitions. why not take a full lunar year to court yourself, to get to know yourself, to love, honor and cherish yourself? To deepen your connection and bond with the one person who defines how you move in the world. YOU!!
"I have been blown away with all the insights, realizations, understanding and awareness I have gained. This process has been truly transformational, deep shifts are happening within me and with each one, I step more and more firmly into my power from within!
~ Michelle
"Avril is a wise and generous soul. Her teachings move me to the core, and her open heartedness, authentic power and love has helped me find my own. I am so glad that I took a chance on ME!"
~ Aliana
~ Sarah
"I am so surprised to see soooo many aspects of my life change for the better! Making changes within myself, seeing and listening to myself gave me permission, no, gave me the power to make difference decisions and boy has my life changed for better because of them! I finally created the boundaries I've always, kind of known I needed to make, and my life is so much better for it!"
~ Danielle
"This is a really, really amazing program! I mean it's just so juicy, good, enriching, powerful and so transformational. Definitely recommend that if your wondering if it's right for you, just take the plunge, you won't be sorry that you did. Your life's not going to change unless you change it! You're in charge!"
~ Andrea
~ Alana
Is BIRTH yourself into BEING right for you?
This program is created by a woman for women and carefully designed to take you on a journey back to your authentic self. It is for any woman who is getting a nudge from their deeper selves to shift, to change, to evolve, to transform into the next version of themselves.
If you...
- are feeling stuck and know that there is more to life!
- are in transition in life and need to redirect your energy, celebrate and move into the next phase in life with confidence and grace!
- are ready to really get to know yourself, tease out your gifts and illuminate your soul's yearnings
- need to heal olds wounds (we all have them), in a deep way, adopt positive habits, and take charge of your own life!
- need to regroup, refocus, gain clarity and up level how you show up for yourself, your family, life and the world!
- are ready to overcome the obstacles in your life, seen and unseen, let your burdens down and stop paddling upstream.
Then this program is a good fit!
Take courage my friend, we've got you, take radical responsibility, free yourself from your subconscious programing that is keeping you stuck and step into your power, self-sovereignty and purpose!
Start Living the Life you Desire and Deserve
Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there! Let's break free from who we think we should be and start being the people that we ARE. Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.
~ powerful ~ beautiful ~ brutally honest ~ light-filled ~ grateful ~ unapologetic ~ confident ~ playful ~ loving ~ Sovereign ~
Everyone's journey back to Self is unique and quite literally transformational. Thank you for doing your work as I do mind and together we reweave the fabric of society and create a better world for ourselves, our children, and our communities.
Come with a friend and save $329 each (when you both sign up at the same time). There is nothing more connecting than sharing an intimate journey like this one, with a friend!
Joining with a Friend!Why a year? Why not a week or a few months?
Are my results guaranteed?
Can I share course info with a friend?
Do you have any incentives if I refer a friend?
How many people will be in each group (Calling them vessels)?